Street in Chisinau
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For Drivers

Because there are no direct flights into Moldova from the US or many other countries, you may choose to drive your vehicle, or rent a car.

If you are comfortable driving in a country where the rules of the road are not always clear, then this will be the most comfortable transportation solution. Not only do you save on additional airfare, you will have the opportunity to see more of the country. Beware, however, that driving in Chisinau may be confusing due to the lack of street and road signs, especially when it comes to directional signs, like one way streets.

This chart shows the distance between major cities in Moldova.

Rental cars are available in Chisinau.

We will post some road signs found in and around Moldova shortly to help you get around easier.


  • Consider flying into Bucharest, Romania; rent a car in Romania and drive to Moldova. Your rental car company can take care of car insurance and any required documents for taking the car out of Romania.
  • The most direct route to drive from Bucharest to Chisinau is E 85 (North East), to E 581 (East) which leads you straight to Chisinau.
  • At both borders (Romanian and Moldovan), you will be asked to present the original car papers. There is an environment fee of approximately $5 to $6 US to cross the Moldovan border.
  • If you get stopped by the police while driving in Moldova and you have not broken any laws, be sure to get your embassy on the phone if you sense foulplay from the officer.



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