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Traditional Moldovan Food is delicious. It’s based on meat, fish, vegetables, cereals, and cheese.

Centuries ago, the traditional food was influenced by Greek (when the Greeks used to have colonies near Nistru, Danube river and the Black sea) and Turkish cuisines. The food later incorporated elements from Russian, Ukrainian, Gagauzian, and Bulgarian cuisines.

When you are in Moldova, don’t miss the maize served with fried meat, sour cream and Moldovan cheese called brinza, which is made of sheep milk. Usually brinza is salty, but not always. Moldovans love it.

You may also want to try sarmale which is made of rice, meat and vegetables rolled in cabbage leaves.

Another traditional and very popular dish, made especially during the holidays, is Placinte, which are pies usually stuffed with cheese (brinza), potatoes, cabbage or apples.

Moldovans cook a lot of meat: chicken, pork, beef, lamb, duck, goose. The meat is fried, baked, or grilled. You may also try the meatballs.

Because Moldova is multiethnic, the food may be different depending on the region with a touch of Moldovan, Ukrainian, Gagauzian, Bulgarian, or Russian cuisine.

The best food you can try in Moldova is homemade food, especially in the villages where the traditions are best preserved.

And, most importantly, don’t miss the Moldovan wine.The wine produced on this land was famous for centuries for its rich taste, all thanks to the climate, soil, and the way people make it.

Moldovans have a special attitude towards wine, much more so in the villages. They drink a glass of wine with every meal, except breakfast. Practically every family in the villages grow their own grapes and produce wine at home. In the fall, when the wine-making season begins, you may be called to try and comment on the wine if you happen to be walking by.

Moldovan wine factories are real tourist destinations with underground tunnels and amazing wine cellars. There, you could try remarkable wines that have won multiple international awards.

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